Have you ever been in a situation where you had set up a lock code for your cell phone but are not able to remember the same code ?
Well, this is exactly what happened to me a couple of days back. I had set up a Lock code for my cell and when I switched over to a new sim recently the phone didn't allow me to change the sim unless and until I entered a correct Lock code (I had set the option to ask for Lock code whenever a new Sim is inserted, basically I didn't want my cell to be used by an unauthorized person but it backfired on me :P). I tried for all the possible combinations I can think of but was not able to recollect that damn code and I finally gave up thinking that I will go to a cell phone shop and will get it done by paying some 200 bucks.
However before heading on to a cell phone shop just thought that I will do a google search for Unlock Nokia lock code and see whether I am able to get something and to my surprise there were loads of forum where many people had posted that they had forgotten their lock code and were really looking for some help to get that code (Looks like there are so many people like me who like to have all the security options turned On, but unfortunately don't remember the code set up by themselves and are desperate to get that code). Finally with Google's help I came across to a site which gave an option to download a s/w which will give me back my original lock code.
I downloaded that s/w and installed on my cell and it worked perfectly. It started scanning through all the possible combinations of the code starting from 10000 (it's a five digit code) and after a few minutes displayed the actual lock code set on my phone (Manually one can't try to use all the possible combinations at once, as after 5 unsuccessful attempts the phone blocks your Lock code for 5 minutes).
And yes I got the original code back and got the new sim loaded. Then I started thinking that how dumb I was to not to try that code returned by the software (It always happens like that, just after you got to know what the correct answer is you start thinking that why this didn't come to my mind initially). I actually liked this software because it gives you your code back which is good and unless other softwares which breaks your code or gives some master code but don't give the actual code set up by you.
So nothing great in this post but just wanted to share this information along, so that if at all you come across such a situation don't worry just google it and eventually you will get what you want.
Moral of the story - Each and everything can be cracked with the help of Google and Internet.
Well, can't imagine life without Google!